Our Activities

  • Health Care Initiative

    Torang trust endeavors to revive and revitalize traditional tribal herbal healing system Hodopathy the unique traditional medicinal system belonging to Jharkhand's tribal community, which is easy access to more than 60 percent of villagers. Tribal health being one of our core issues, our agenda is to make collaborative efforts with Allopathic system of medication and health care as 30- 40 percent of people in these areas have moved on top this form of medication and modern health care. Our initiative is also to set up tribal traditional herbal health Hodopathy clinics/centres and health counseling centres in the villages managed by the village tribal traditional herbal practitioner. The trust has started 10 such types of clinic in the villages of Ranchi, Bokaro, and Khunti districts. We are making our effort to increase the numbers of these Hodopathy clinics to counter Malnutrition Anemia and Malaria (MAM). Women health is our prime agenda. We are running women dispensary/ women health club in Ranchi and Bokaro.

  • Legal Literacy

    As part of advocacy and capacity building programmes of Torang Trust, awareness and empowerment programmes are being conducted in Ranchi , Lohardaga and Dumka districts of Jharkhand on Domestic violence, Dowry prohibition , Dian Prohibition Act 2001, Right to information, Right to education, The Scheduled tribes and other Traditional forest dwellers (Recognition of Rights) Act 2006, Bio Diversity Act 2002, The right to fair compensation and transparency in Land acquisition rehabilitation resettlement Act 2013 ( LARRA) Protection of Children from sexual offence( POCSO) and CEDAW

  • Preservation of bio-diversity

    Preservation of bio-diversity and its importance for the existence of human being through various awareness programs is also our major concern. Focusing on the Bio-Diversity Act, we are in the process of organizing people for PBR (Peoples bio-diversity Register) exercise. Listing of various plants (medicinal and Aromatic) will also be done by our partners.

  • Linkages with Government Program

    Linkages have been formed with state govt. development programs, from its formulation of development prom to the implementation of the same. For drinking water in the village of gabhreya of Bundu Block 5 hand pumps has been provided by the state govt. Department For irrigation. Two check dams have been made for the villagers after the initiative of the trust. The trust works in collaboration with NABARD to improve human resource through skill development and training programs. NABARD has been supporting the farmers club for better economic development. Publication of books on indigenous food and traditional medicinal plants with the support of state government is also being done by the Trust.


    Hodopathy Ethno Medicine Doctors Association of India (HEDAN) is our unit of tribal traditional herbal practitioners. Our agenda is to run Jharkhand Against (JA) Malnutrition Anemia and Malaria (MAM) in tribal India/areas. HEDAN advocates for tribal medicine and has been trying to leverage the cause with the Government of Jharkhand and Government of India.
    The Gov. of Jharkhand has recommended Hodopathy Ethno Medicine to be integrated with AYUSH. Torang Trust also endeavors to establish medicinal plant test research laboratory in Ranchi Jharkhand.

  • Legal cell /family Settle centre

    Torang trust runs a a family counselling center for women . The counselling is done by a set of advocates both men and women who have a good gender perceptive . the advocates help in drafting and filing of FIR's . the trust also monitors the cases that are in the court on a regular basis.

  • Forest and Livelihood

    Torang Trust is involved in the 'save the forest movement' with the active participation of villagers and other stake holders. Women are leading the entire movement. Women co-operatives are engaged in the collection minor forest produce for income generation and the Trust gives them the support to do so. We are advocating for price fixation of minor forest produce.
    With the help of tribal herbal practitioners the Trust has been documenting MFP so that villagers can get more benefit out of collection of MFP. We have formed Jharkhand Wan Adhikar Abhiyan ( JAWA, Jharkhand Forest Rights Campaign)to get rights over forest land and proper implementation of The Forest Rights Act 2006 .

  • Jharkhand Wanaadhikar Abhiyan (JAWA)(Forest Righst Campaign)

    Torang Trust started a new initiative to integrate Tribal Traditional Herbal Practitioners and Forest Rights Activists (FRA). We have identified 2000 Tribal Herbal Practitioners and Forest Rights Activists. The trust also runs the Jharkhand Wan Adhikar Abhiyan (JAWA). JAWA covers all 24 districts in Jharkhand.

  • Jaipal Singh Academy (English Medium School)

    Torang Trust is running an English medium school in Ranchi, located at Budhi Jaher, Horhap Forest Road, Tatisilway. Named after legendary leader Marang Gomke Jaipal Singh, the school aims to inculcate in the students those five virtues that Jaipal Singh excelled; namely, Sports, Academics, Oratory, Leadership and Rootedness in one's culture and language. The school was inaugurated on January 3rd, 2020, on the 117th birth anniversary of the Leader. The school has huge campus and infrastructure is getting further constructed to take the capacity of intake upto Std 12.